More New Shows
are being proposed for DailyMotion

When KMAC TV launches, we plan to offer a basic channel. In a future expansion, the channels we are proposing to offer include:
KMAC.2 - KMAC Local (News and Local Programming)
KMAC.3 - KMAC Games (Game Shows)
KMAC.4 - KMAC Sports (Live Sports and more)*
KMAC.5 - Space Available
KMAC.6 - Space Available
KMAC.7 - Space Available
KMAC.8 - Space Available
KMAC.9 - Space Available
KMAC.10 - Space Available
KMAC.11 - Space Available
KMAC.12 - KMAC Radio Network (some of our DJs hosting their own TV shows!)*
Some stations proposed but don't have a sub channel assigned at the moment:
Humor (Sitcoms)*
Kids (Classic Kids Shows, and some reboots from us too!)*
Local Access (Member created programming)*
Lost and Found (Lost content we recently found)*
Mysteries (EG Harriet the Spy, Monk, Nancy Drew, Psych, Shelby Woo, etc...)*
Space Available - Channel is currently unknown at this time. Space that is still unfilled by 2023 will be available closer to the launch date of the sub channels.
* - Proposed. Status unknown as of 12/15/2020